Introduction: The benefits of Personal training in Malta
Personal training in Malta. Finding a personal trainer and doing personal training in Malta can be difficult due to the large amount of people getting online certifications but without really having any experience nor background. CrossFit F15 sorted that problem for you as our team is made of the most qualified trainers you can find around.
In this article we will explain you the benefit of doing personal training with our coaches in Malta !
It is no longer a secret: to be and stay healthy, it is strongly recommended to practice a regular physical activity. It is a fundamental pledge to remain in shape and in good health throughout one’s life.
Practicing a physical activity with a personal trainer has many advantages, such as training in safety, reaching your goals like losing weight or not having back pain and staying motivated.
Personal training in Malta : What are benefits of having a personal trainer in Malta?
Discover without further delay in this article how personal training in Malta can help you stay healthy.
It would be too long and tedious to list all the health benefits of regular physical activity. However, we can mention :
Decrease in mortality
Protection of the cardio-respiratory system
Weight control and fight against overweight and obesity
Prevention of cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes
Contribution to the treatment of depression
Physical activity is of public utility and is at the heart of educational and societal measures.
And for good reason, the World Health Organization has established sedentary lifestyle as the 4th leading risk factor for mortality worldwide.
In order to fight sedentary behavior, the WHO recommends 2.5 hours of physical activity per week for adults aged 18 to 64.
Set and reach achievable goals
Moving and training is good! Even more if you choose a CrossFit F15 personal trainer in Malta !
Sometimes we are too demanding of ourselves. As a result, we set goals that are too ambitious and are eager to achieve them.
On the other hand, from time to time, we are satisfied with little effort. When we could be doing more, more frequently, more regularly. We could be doing more, more frequently, more regularly. We could be going beyond the barriers and limits that we have set for ourselves.
Thus, a personal trainer establishes intermediate objectives that are achievable and quantifiable.
In effect, he builds the workouts in such a way that progress is visible. Step by step, he builds a personalized action plan that is progressive. The quest for fitness is established step by step!

Accompanying and learning techniques
First of all, the personal coach assesses your physical level and will suggest exercises adapted to your technical background and mastery.
Then, his accompaniment and his pedagogy offer you evolving sessions enhanced with correct and safe gestures.
In the end, the personal trainer teaches you new, coherent motor patterns. Indeed, he brings you the autonomy of movements appropriate to the action.
Setting up physical and functional tests
Working with a sports coach has definite benefits. Indeed, he uses different relevant and adapted tests to evaluate your physical condition, your strengths and weaknesses. He analyzes your posture, your gestures, your movements and your coordination. It is wise to detect asymmetries and muscular imbalances.
Program the training
Based on this assessment, the sports coach will plan a training program for you. He will take into account your sports history, your level of physical activity, your rhythm and lifestyle, your possible pathologies and/or muscular imbalances.
Having a personal trainer will give you the advantage of training in safety. The personal trainer will focus on the safety aspect of your progress in order to avoid all risks of injury. The personal trainer has the ability to manage the intensity and workload of your training.
Thus, the trainer is the guarantor of your physical integrity. Any injury would stop your progress and destroy your motivation! Your health is his number 1 leitmotiv! Regularity of physical activity is one of the keys to success…
In fact, personal training is an indispensable tool in health sports in Malta. It offers the serenity of a complete physical activity.
Moreover, it limits the risk of making mistakes that could be detrimental to your physical integrity and your progress.
Moreover, a sports coach is also a good nutritional advisor. In addition, he will give you his best secrets to recover in an optimal way.
When we train alone, we are not always aware of our weaknesses. Moreover, we naturally train the physical qualities for which we have the most facility.
Do many of us know the 5 physical qualities? Do we know how and when to develop them?
Who better than a training professional to answer this question and organize coherent, progressive and evolving sessions?
Highlighting possible muscular imbalances
The heart of a personal trainer’s job, whose objective is the maintenance of good health and the well-being of his client, is without a doubt the harmonious development of the 5 physical qualities.
By harmony, we mean ease of movement thanks to optimal and functional joint amplitudes. A good capacity of recovery is also sought.
This implies an absence of asymmetries and muscular imbalances. Indeed, the latter could lead to structural pain, i.e. articular, tendinous or ligamentary.
Multiple physical, functional or postural tests are available to physical trainers to evaluate mobility and physical condition. The book by Aurélien Broussal-Derval and Olivier Bolliet entitled “Les tests de terrain. More than 130 protocols for measuring sports performance” is an excellent illustration.
In short, these tests provide an overview of the situation at a given time and then serve as a point of comparison.
Development of physical qualities
Personal training in Malta will have a positive influence on the health of the client through the harmony sought in the development of his physical qualities.
To illustrate this, we will give an example of the positive impact of each physical quality on health:
- Endurance : it will guarantee a healthy and robust cardio-respiratory system
- Strength: it will limit asymmetries and imbalances between agonist and antagonist muscles. In the long run, pain and inflammation will disappear
- Speed: if we were to retain only one component of speed that positively influences health, we would retain the speed of reaction that can save a life in certain circumstances.
- Coordination: coordination links the cerebral cortex and its ability to create coherent and complex motor programs with the skeletal muscles. Yes it is also a cerebral gymnastics!
- Flexibility: the challenge is to fight against excessive stiffness that could lead to postural imbalances and injuries.
In short, personal coaching offers a technical background that is beneficial to the idea of being fit, balanced and healthy.
The harmonization of the development of physical qualities will have a positive influence on my health because it will improve my posture, my body awareness, my proprioception, my balance.
On the other hand, it will reduce muscular imbalances and consequently the risk of inflammation, discomfort, pain and injury.
Thus, the personal trainer is the architect of this balance, of this osmosis. Each person is different and the trainer must analyze and personalize the corrective work proposed.
First of all, personal training offers the advantage, for people who are not keen on physical activity, but for all the others as well, of offering fun and varied sessions.
Diversity of sessions
Indeed, the taste for effort and surpassing oneself are not innate. The trainer must succeed in making the participants appreciate this learning.
This is why the sports coach sets up fun and different sessions every time. The game, the challenge are characteristics present in the device. We work without realizing it, we move and we have fun.
Provision of tools
Knowledge about training is constantly evolving scientifically, technically and technologically. The equipment and tools are no exception to this rule.
The personal trainer is the master of the game. He makes this equipment available and thanks to it, creates functional, effective and entertaining sessions. Like a master builder, he knows which tools to use at what time and for what purpose.
Being and staying motivated is a prerequisite for regular physical activity. And as we have seen, the benefits of physical activity that have a positive impact on health are only valid if you are regular and assiduous. So, what parameters should a sports coach take into account in order to keep his promises?
Reduce the constraints
The concept of personal training offers considerable advantages: professional support, supervision, follow-up, advice, personalization, etc.
Moreover, it reduces the constraints of the person who trains. The latter does not need to travel if it is a home coaching. The result is that there is no need to travel and therefore less stress.
Another determining factor is that the trainee does not need to think and reflect on his session, on its content. He puts the conception and organization of the session in the hands of his sports coach.
Finally, another fundamental criterion is that making an appointment with a professional, limits the postponement of his physical session. It is not conceivable to cancel a training session several times. You have to keep your appointments.
All of these constraints increase the likelihood of training regularly.
Reaching your goals with personal training in Malta
The technical skills are an added value that the personal trainer puts at the service of his client. He communicates his passion and makes training interesting.
However, reaching the set goals is undoubtedly the main and primary source of motivation.
When the goal is reached, such as a reduction in back pain, and after a few weeks of training the pain subsides and disappears, there is a return on investment. Thus, the determination is at its peak, which motivates to persevere.
Showing Psychology
The relationship between the coach and the trainee is fundamental, essential and crucial.
It is true that the success of a personal training results from the technical skills of the training professional.
Indeed, the sports coach will stand out thanks to his scientific knowledge and his animation skills. The architecture of the proposed session and consequently the exercises selected will also determine the final result. The atmosphere of the session will also depend on the rhythm and energy that the coach will influence.
However, the coach must be a fine psychologist and know how to alternate different character traits: sometimes compassionate and indulgent, sometimes firm and authoritarian. He is close to his client and can sometimes even be intimate and guard certain confidences.
To have human qualities
Nevertheless, the best sports coach will not be able to keep his client loyal if he does not have human qualities specific to management. The personal trainer must establish a relationship of trust.
- To achieve this, the first quality is to listen. Indeed, it allows to identify the needs, the objectives, the grievances, the fears, the doubts and the shape of the moment of the trained person.
- Empathy and knowing how to put oneself in the place of others to better understand their difficulties and to put oneself at their level.
- Adaptability is another essential quality. It will be useful on a daily basis. You have to know how to modify your session at a moment’s notice if the training you had planned is not adapted to your current form. It is also necessary to adapt the speech from one person to another. The sources of motivation are different from one person to another.
- Presence, or the ability to be fully focused on the present moment, is valuable. It is synonymous with quality sessions.
- Patience and constancy are human qualities with high added value for a sports coach.
- Kindness is fundamental in wellness and sport-health. In order to train and help a person progress, you must like people, know them and understand them. It is also imperative to be positive and dynamic!
To stay healthy, it is necessary to engage in regular physical activity. To achieve this, it is necessary to reduce the constraints and find all possible sources of motivation. Having a personal trainer in Malta is an adequate solution!
At CrossFit F15 we offer you the possibility to be trained by top coaches in a safe and fun environment. Achieving your goals will be a priority and you will not regret giving it a chance.
If you are interested in getting started and doing personal training in Malta, send you a note via the contact form and we will be in touch asap to offer you a FREE consultation.
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